The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND:

Loot Control

by abot


Sneaking while activating a killed NPC will (usually*) auto dispose
of the corpse after looting, useful to get rid of the corpse without
cluttering yor inventory.
Also, skipping the standard "dispose of corpse", you will avoid also
pesky MCA attackers immediate respawning ;-)
And they should use those bound daedric weapons...

Usage: after killing a NPC loot as usual (e.g take only things you
want to take) without sneaking, then close inventory, sneak,
reopen NPC inventory, close it again.
The NPC should disappear without cluttering your inventory as
done by "dispose of corpse".

*Known limits: if you slay more than 10 enemies in a cell, you will
have to wait for next cell change for freeing some script slots.
Scripts are started from hit voices, so it may (rarely) happen they
don't start.

Feel free to use scripts/dialog in this mod, just be sure to rename
things properly to avoid conflicts.
Credit is not necessary, but would be nice.