Mod management
Note: I'm keeping this article for historical reason, but now that we have tes3merge probably there is no more need to use testool for this, see this video for details.
Another chapter on our quest for the holy merged_objects.esp :-)
I am assuming here you already know why it is useful to have a merged_objects.esp generated by TESTool.
Problem is, often TESTool crashes (probably due to a buffer overflow error) when computing a long mod list.
So far, a frequently used workaround has been to do something like this:
- divide your loaded mods in smaller groups
- set first mod group as loaded
- generate merged_objects.esp
- rename merged_objects to merged_obj1.esp
- set second mod group as loaded
- generate merged_objects.esp
- rename merged_objects to merged_obj2.esp...
and so on,
then finally merge merged_obj1.esp ... merged_obj2.esp to a final Merged_Objects.esp
Note: I'm keeping this article for historical reason, but now that we have tes3merge probably there is no more need to use testool for this, see this video for details.
I am assuming here you already know why it is useful to have a merged_objects.esp generated by TESTool,
Problem is, often TESTool crashes (probably due to a buffer overflow error) when computing a long mod list.
NOM (Necessities of Morrowind) by Taddeus is the de facto standard eat, drink and sleep needs mod for Morrowind.
Most players will desire to access NOM eat/drink resources when exploring landmass mods.
It is true that other tools are able to reorder mods in an easy way, but I think old TESTool way to reordering is still fast and powerful when understood.
Tes3cmd is a wonderful tool, but as any command line tool it would be nice to have it integrated with our preferred mod management tool.
I use a right-click command in Mash to integrate tes3cmd, so I can clean multiple (but only those I need to clean) .esp with tes3cmd using Mash as GUI.
It is not difficult at all to properly use TESTool, but you must read the documentation before and learn to understand the log
Some posts salvaged from the official forums about using TESTool and TESFaith# to help cleaning Morrowind mods.
A salvaged (with broken links fixed) version of precious No more "reference xxx not found in master" post by Ieldra, a thorough and fundamental guide to understand and solve problems in modded games.
Even if many of the decribed problems can be solved nowadays installing the"save game corruption fix" from Morrowind Code Patch, this document remains a precious reading for mod users and creators.