File size: 383.27 KB
Modified on: Saturday, 11 February 2017
Added on: Monday, 30 January 2017
Total downloads: 1706
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Description: A Autoit compiled program to have your new Morrowind journal entry read using your installed Windows voice.

speechau3.exe must be in the same folder where your generated Journal.htm is (this is usually the same folder where Morrowind.exe is, at least in my setup)

Running speechau3.exe with no parameters will default to voice = 2, rate = -1, volume = 76

You should be able to use
speechau3.exe [voicenum] [rate] [volume]
e.g. speechau3.exe 1 0 76
to use first available voice, 0 rate, 75% volume

but I did not test this too much as I did this for personal use,
or you can change speechau3.au3 source and recompile in Autoit, related lines are
$voice = 2
$rate = -1
$volume = 76
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